Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Great Start

Our first week was a great way to start off our year.  I loved seeing all of the great things the students shared with their "Me Bags"!  We really learned a lot about each other with these and found that many of us had some things in common.

The students also spent some time with their "lollipop buddies"  seeing what they had in common.


On Friday, we showed our school spirit by wearing our Oakland shirts/colors.
After a great first week, I can't wait to see what this week has in store for us!  I am so excited about continuing to grow and learn with this sweet group of 3rd graders.  

Monday, August 18, 2014

Rules to Live By

Today was a great first day back.  We had lots of fun learning a little about each other.  I am excited to get to know each of my kiddos a little better as the year goes on.  We spent a lot of time today talking about our classroom rules, the most important of which is to have good character.  The students shared what they thought it meant to have good character and we discussed why it is important.  Below is a video from kid president sharing his ideas about 20 things we should say more often.  I love watching his videos because they are such a great reminder of things that we sometimes forget as adults (with a little much need humor included).  It is amazing how insightful our kids can be when we take the time to listen to what they have to say.  I'm excited about what my sweet 3rd graders and I are going to learn from each other this year.